Limited edition prints; works on paper escapades

Making Books

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It feels as though it has been a long & short week ..Easter celebrations & a lot of real home time which as it turns out was very relaxing. Moving on to ANZAC day  & something i observe within a distance & some puzzlement.  I attempted to make books, did several drawings & actually threw out a few old print mishaps that i was keeping to do something with. That made me a bit uneasy; i just don't like to waste the paper. I let it go only because i seem to have accumulated more than i need. I did find a few remnants that could be saved & turned into books so we shall see the results soon i hope.
I also received the catalogues from Hong Kong containing the biggest catalogues I've seen this year. This was an exhibition in which i collected all the Impress Printmakers Studio prints included in the Graphic Arts Festival Convergence/Divergence.The open-printshop has details in their newsletter